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About our company

Since 1992, the company "TECHINCOME" has been performing works and providing engineering services to confirm the conformity of the design, preparation, manufacturing, construction, installation, commissioning, operation of hazardous production facilities to the requirements of codes of norms and rules, technical regulations and standards, project documentation, conditions, conditions of contracts.

The place of work in the period from 1997

эпидемия техинком27 06 2018 eng.gif

1. Russia
2. USA
3. Canada
4. Britain
5. Norway
6. Finland
7. France
8. Germany
9. Italy

10. Netherlands
11. UAE
12. Australia
13. Indonesia
14. Philippines
15. Malaysia
16. China
17. South Korea
18. Japan
19. Singapore
20. Kazakhstan


Year of foundation


The number of employees


The number of licenses and certificates


Received awards


Number of countries in which the work was carried out

Our client

Our accreditations

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